Laboratory Testing
We offer standard lab tests, food sensitivity testing, hormone testing, genetic tests, SIBO breath tests and much more!
Naturopathic Lab Tests
We offer a range of lab tests. Some can be thought of as “standard” and some are unique to Naturopathic medicine. These labs help to diagnose conditions and will sometimes catch dysfunction before it fully develops into disease. The following are a few commonly used tests:

+ Standard Lab Testing
These are the same labs that your medical doctor may send you for. At Radiant Life we can order these tests, however they will not be covered by MSP. Common tests include complete blood count, ferritin, Vitamin D3, hemoglobin A1C, thyroid panel, thyroid antibodies, testosterone (free and total), celiac testing and homocysteine.
+ Food Sensitivity Testing
Delayed reactions to specific foods can cause or exacerbate an array of symptoms including migraines, eczema, asthma, heartburn/GERD, recurrent respiratory infections, constipation/diarrhea and autoimmune diseases. This is a blood test that tests 125 -200 foods against your blood.
+ Hormone Testing
Hormonal imbalances can cause a variety of symptoms, like infertility, PCOS, PMS, hot flashes, migraines, low libido, weight gain, sleep disturbance, breast cancer and bone loss. Hormone testing is done with a simple saliva or urine sample. The hormones we test most often are Estrogen, Progesterone, Cortisol, DHEA and Testosterone.
+ Adrenal Testing
Your adrenals produce stress related and reproductive hormones. When stress hormones are out of balance, common symptoms are any combination of: fatigue, low stamina, anxiety, insomnia, frequent colds/flu, low libido, dizziness, muscle and joint pain.
This test measures the stress hormone cortisol in your saliva and involves spitting into a test tube in the morning, afternoon and evening. Adrenal hormones are produced in a cycle and it’s important to know how your adrenals perform throughout the day to understand how their dysfunction could relate to your symptoms.
+ Heavy Metal Testing
Heavy metal toxicity is a risk factor for many conditions, most commonly neurological and autoimmune disease. This test is indicated when these conditions present or when there is documented previous exposure. Toxic metals are measured in the urine, and we can detect current exposure as well as levels stored in the body tissues by provoking elimination of the metals with chemicals that enter the bloodstream and bind them.
+ Methylation Testing
This is a screening blood test for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that affect your detoxification, hormone and neurotransmitter metabolism, energy production and much more.
+ Genetic Testing (Nutrigenomix)
This blood test explores how your genes are affected by the foods you eat and how your genes influence which foods and nutrients you tolerate. The genes that we test influence weight management, nutrient metabolism, cardiovascular health, diabetes risk, eating habits , food intolerances (gluten & lactose), and even physical performance and injury risk.
+ Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis
This test has a lot to offer for those of you with digestive problems. This lab tests for much more than the standard test that your Medical Doctor would run, measuring beneficial bacteria, bacteria that can overgrow, bacteria that can cause diarrhea and digestive upset, ova and parasites, enzyme levels, fats, and immune system and inflammatory markers.
+ Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Largely underdiagnosed, SIBO is becoming recognized as a common cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Normally the small intestine carries very few bacteria with most being held in the large intestine. SIBO patients have an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine and generally suffer from gas/bloating, abdominal pain, constipation and/or diarrhea, heartburn and nutritional deficiencies. The hydrogen/methane breath test is the best method of diagnosing SIBO.